Ann Davis Duplessis has over 33 years in the financial services industry. Currently, she is Senior Vice President of Retail Banking, Marketing & Sales, and Strategic Planning for Liberty Bank and Trust Company. Liberty Bank is a $600+ million retail bank with offices in eight states. Duplessis also oversees the growth and profitability of Liberty Insurance, Inc.
In 2002 Duplessis was elected to the Louisiana legislature as Senator for District 2, serving New Orleans East, Holy Cross, and the Lower Ninth Ward communities. While in office Senator Duplessis held many leadership roles including Chairman of the Commerce, Consumer Protection and International Affairs committees. Nationally she served as Vice Chair of the Communications, Financial Services & Interstate Commerce Committee of the National Conference of State Legislatures.
Duplessis an unwavering public servant, who currently serves on the LSU Board of Supervisors, Eastern New Orleans Service District Hospital Board of Directors, and New Orleans Women and Children’s Shelter.
A devoted wife, mother and grandmother, she has been married to Virgil Duplessis for 32 years. They have three beautiful daughters, Brooks, Lindsey and Heather and four perfect granddaughters, Camille, Sydney, and Brooklyn, and Maleia.